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to my homepage,

I’ll write here all I know or find out.

At the moment there will be things about M$ Windows, Arch Linux, bash-scripting, Python and some programs I’m using. Additionally you’ll find a lot of old stuff I used to write in the past.

All hints presented here are tested by myself but I don’t give a warranty of the functionality on each system.

For questions about these sites you can send me an e-mail lord-weber-andrwe <at> andrwe <dot> org

This website is powered by GitLab Pages and Hugo.

It uses the congo theme


Website Migration To Gitlab & Hugo

To reduce maintainability of my website I’m migrating it from an old dokuwiki installation to Hugo generated static HTML on Gitlab Pages.


Incomplete This page content is incomplete.

Activated SFTP Accounts

This manual explains how you can run a SFTP server with passwords set by the users.


Deprecated This page content is deprecated and does not work anymore.


Since some time I’m a proud user of Midori because it is much faster than firefox and also faster at starting than chromium.


Since december 2009 I’m using a Nokia N900 and because it uses a Linux distribution (Maemo 5) it surely is fun to adapt it a bit to my needs.